Welcome back to The Memo!
We have a saying over here at Scalable/DigitalMarketer…
When things are good, we all celebrate together as a team.
And when things are bad, someone will mention “one team,” and like clock-work everyone bands together to help solve the problem, or do the work that needs to be done—as one team.
And even when things outside of work hit—like the recent power/water issues happening right here in Austin, again the team steps up to help one another.
Your company culture is not fluff…. It’s the stuff that helps keep your teams going, even during the hard times.
Now, let’s dive in.
Create An Acquisition Plan That Will Scale With You
“Sustainable profit comes from providing value up front at a loss, nurturing your audience along the journey, and then making your profit by providing consistent opportunities for your customers to continue to purchase.”
Profitability starts with finding and retaining customers.
And while most acquisition plans do a great job at finding customers, retaining them is a whole different ball game. Having an endless stream of people coming in doesn’t matter if you can’t retain them.
Luckily, In this Scalable Library Post, you’ll learn how to put together an acquisition plan that focuses on long-term success.
Related: You Need To “Go Negative” On Your Acquisition Efforts
9 Leadership Lessons from Zuckerberg and Bezos
Last week Dan Rose gave his Twitter followers the inside scoop on what separates his old bosses, Zuckerberg and Bezos, from the rest of the leadership crowd.
With over 20 years working for those influential leaders, of course we were interested to hear what he had to say. And we thought you would as well…
Which was our favorite section?
“They were both incredibly deep thinkers and read voraciously. I’ve participated in small group conversations with each of them (e.g. on airplanes) lasting hours where they would ask endless questions and have more stamina than anyone else. Great leaders have deep-seated curiosity.”
Related: Elon Musk’s Marketing Strategy
The Right Way To Network
One of the least-talked-about parts of being a CEO is the amount of networking involved.
A great network can open up doors and offer a world of insight and support, but the process of building those connections can sometimes feel… awkward.
So if you’re in need of freshening up your skills, look no further. In Last week’s Business Lunch Podcast, Roland Fraiser talks all about how to network without coming across as needy or overbearing.
The key is to give, give, give.
Related: How To Build Up Your Internal Communications
How To Prioritize Your Core Values
“One of the best things we can do when it comes to embodying our values is learning to harness the power of one word: No”
If you’ve been in leadership for any amount of time, you know how important core values are.
It feels like everywhere you look, there’s a business coach telling you to “lead from your core values.”
But, how do you actually Identify your own core values, and start prioritizing them?
This article has got you covered.
Related: 70 Examples of Impactful Company Core Values
Clean Up Your Internal Communication
“I think internal comms should be delightful. It should be enjoyable. And part of that is making sure that you’re communicating to employees in a way that not only meets them where they are, but also makes it so that they want to read something… because that’s so important.”
Sophie Hamersley is a communications team lead at HubSpot’s, and last week she sat down with the team over at Recess to talk about the importance of internal communication, and what she’s been doing to make employees actually pay attention, and care about what’s happening inside the company.
With so much happening in the world right now, and very little face-to-face interactions with teams, it can be difficult to foster connections and keep everyone updated.
But internal communication is absolutely critical if you want your business to be efficient and profitable.
Related: Ryan Deiss on Internal Communication and Why We Built Recess
One last thing…
We want to know what’s on your reading list!
Respond to this email with 1 book you think every Founder or CEO should read.
We’ll respond back with some of our own favorites…
See you next week,
– The Scalable Team